Keizersgracht 252 in Amsterdam
January 24th, February 7th, February 21st, March 7th, March 21st from 17.00 to 19.00

Food for thought, Mad Studies Researchgroep
Stichting Perceval would like to invite people for a research discussion group in English. The group will read texts around themes of madness and embodiment, as well as critical phenomenology, and discuss them during the sessions. The discussion group will meet five times, on January 24th, February 7th, February 21st, March 7th, March 21st from 17.00 to 19.00. The facilitator of the group is Anjani Gupta.
About Anjani: I am a Master’s student at UvA, studying cultural anthropology. My research explores food, madness and care for the self, asking how food can become a strategy of caring for Mad bodies. I am interested in how Mad selves are created and cultivated through bodily experiences and actions, specifically relating to food.
What you may expect from the discussion group: We all read texts and discuss them in a group once every two weeks on the dates listed above. The discussion group is completely free.
Anjani’s research: I would like to interview people for my Master thesis. The interview will have questions about what you like to eat or cook, how that may be related to ways you care for yourself and others, and you can share anything you would like. If you are interested, I can also share my experiences, as I hope this can be more of a conversation than an interview. Your participation is unpaid. This project hopes to contribute to Mad/Disability Studies and understand the ways we as Mad people care for ourselves. You do not have to agree to an interview to participate in the discussion group and vice versa.
WeI would like for you to be as comfortable as possible, so please feel free to bring whatever comfort items, communicative devices or disability aids you might need. The discussion group is at the Keizersgracht 252 in Amsterdam, which is not wheelchair accessible. If you would like to participate in the reading group and/or the interviews, reach out to me here.